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Assassin tank

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This subject is related to the Combine era.
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The subject matter of this article contains in-development information that was cut from the final version of an official and/or canonical source and appears in no other canonical source. It may also contain incomplete information since not all cut material is publicly known.

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Borealis tanks.jpg
Assassin tank
General information


Game information

N/A (brush)


Viktor Antonov (appearance)[1]

The Assassin tank is a Combine device cut from Half-Life 2. It was to be seen on the Borealis.[2]


As seen in the WC map pack map d3_borealis_06, at Level 2 of the ship five NPCs using the entity npc_assassin were to be seen frozen in "freezer" tanks resembling modified Combine Prisoner Pods (the Raising the Bar concept art shows unmodified cells).

The NPC may refer to the Alien Assassin rather than the Combine Assassin, as ropes used in the map use the prefix breederrom_rope, pointing to one of the alternate names for the Alien Assassin.

The devices seem to have been forcibly installed into the ship, since several levels around it are destroyed and the structure is chained to the surrounding interior.


List of appearances[edit]
