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Xash3D is an engine with almost full GoldSrc compatibility and significant improvements. It was developed by Unkle Mike (formerly g-cont, or "Dyadya Misha").


  • Written on C
  • Detailed & HD Textures support
  • Different BSP version support (Q1, HL, HL:BS)
  • Raised engine limits
  • No modular design
  • Cross-platform support (introduced in Xash3D FWGS)
  • OpenGL ES support (introduced in Xash3D FWGS)
  • WON-like menu


Since Xash3d is open source and licensed under Gnu public license third party Developers can make forks.

  • Sing Engine - fork for linux by adamixik and fire64
  • Xash3D FWGS - A fork for Android, Linux, Microsoft Windows and so on. by Flying With Gaus.
  • Xash3DEx - (Xash3D Magenta - stillborn project by BlackPhrase). The actual "engine" is a bat file with only 5 strings.
  • Xash3D VR - A Xash3d Fwgs Fork for Google Cardboard by Solexid.
  • Lambda1VR - A Xash3d Fwgs Fork for for Oculus Quest by DrBeef.
  • Half-LifeX (Xash3Dx) - A Fork for the Original Xbox. by marty28.
  • Xash3DS- A Xash3d Fwgs fork for the Nintendo 3DS.
  • Xash3D-Wii - A Xash3d fwgs fork for the Nintendo wii.
  • ash3D-RT - A Xash3d fwgs fork with ray tracing by sultim-t. Uses OpenGL Instead of Vulkan.
  • nightfire-open (Formerly afterburner) - A fork by noodlecollie to Reimplement James Bond 007: Nightfire game engine and SDK that based on Xash3D FWGS engine and hlsdk-portable.


Engine limits
Limit Xash3D GoldSource (Pre-25th) GoldSource (Post-25th)
Maximum number of server entities (MAX_EDICTS) 600 - 4096 900 - 2048 (configurable via config) plus 15 * max_players in multiplayer 1200 - 2048
Maximum number of temporary entities (MAX_TEMPENTS) 300 - 2048 500 Unknown
Maximum number of particles (MAX_PARTICLES) 1024 - 8192 4096 Unknown
Maximum number of beams (MAX_BEAMS) 64 - 512 64 Unknown
Maximum number of visible entities in the package (MAX_VISIBLE_PACKET) 512 256 1024
Maximum number of pre-cacheable models (+sprites)(MAX_MODELS) 2048 512 Unknown
Maximum number of pre-cached sounds (MAX_SOUNDS) 2048 512 Unknown
Maximum number of entries to read sentences made up of sentences (MAX_SENTENCES) 2048 1534 2048
Maximum number of user messages (additional messages for protocol inside game dlls) (MAX_USER_MESSAGES) 191 128 (in WON version) Unknown
Max number of loaded textures (MAX_TEXTURES) 4096 2048 (loaded VGUIs) Unknown
Number of messages titles.txt (MAX_MESSAGES) 2048 1024 Unknown
Maximum size of indexed textures 4096х4096 512х512 Unknown
Maximum size of full color textures 4096х4096 - Unknown
Maximum number of models on the map (BSP limit)(MAX_MAP_MODELS) 1024 256 Unknown
Maximum number of map leafs (BSP limit)(MAX_MAP_LEAFS) 32767 8192 Unknown

External Links[edit]