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Wallace Breen/Quotes

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This article is a transcript of all of the quotes from a given character or entity. Unless noted otherwise, these transcripts are sourced directly from the official scripts, closed captions, or internal text data with only minimal modifications for typos and formatting purposes.

The following is a list of quotes from Wallace Breen.

Half-Life 2 leak[edit]


Kleiner's Lab[edit]

Location: sound/vo/k_lab (No text data)

Brief visit of Breen's office during the teleportation failure between Kleiner's Lab and Black Mesa East.

Filename(s) Quote Play
br_tele_01 What?
br_tele_02 What's the meaning of this? (Same as retail.)
br_tele_03 Who are you? (Same as retail.)
br_tele_04 Where did you come from?
br_tele_05 How did you get in here? (Same as retail.)
br_tele_06 Help! Help, now!
br_tele_07 Is that?... Can that be who I think it is?
br_tele_08 Is it? Aren't you... Gordon Freeman.
br_tele_09 Guards! Guards! In here, now!
br_tele_10 Hold it, there!
br_significant This is a significant development. As soon as I hear from my contact, we can make our move. The only potential drawback is that man, the one I saw! (Retail retains the filename, but the text is different.)
br_thereheis There he is again! (Retail retains the filename, but the text is different.)

Nova Prospekt[edit]

Location: sound/vo/NovaProspekt (No text data)

When Alyx and Gordon come upon a conversation between Breen and Mossman via a Combine console.

Filename(s) Quote Play
br_disturb We've been receiving disturbing security alerts from your area. (Retail only features the end of the sentence.)
br_overzealous The soldiers were a bit overzealous, I admit, but he was too tempting a prize to simply turn loose, especially in the absence of Gordon Freeman. (Same as retail.)
br_loyalties We weren't entirely sure you were ever going to get around to that, human loyalties being what they are. (Same as retail.)
br_blinded I have known Dr. Vance far longer than you, my dear. I'm afraid your feelings for him may have blinded you to some simple realities. He's entirely too stubborn ever to— (Longer than in retail.)
br_believe He will never believe what you and I believe. And as for those who follow him, well, the only certain way to change their minds is to revitalize, reeducate and reintegrate them.
br_leeway01 This is not open to debate, Dr. Mossman. (Same as retail.)
br_leeway02 I will allow some leeway. This time. Because I know that emotion still has its hold on you.
br_leeway03 Your intentions are noble, but your assessment of the situation is... lacking!
br_leeway04 Frankly, I'm a bit disappointed that someone in your position—
br_leeway05 Well, I can't tell you how to improve your performance. Only you know what you need to do. But I'm sure you're even more disappointed in yourself than I am.
br_outoftime So sorry, Judith. I'm all out of time. (Same as retail.)


Location: sound/vo/Citadel (No text data)

Confrontation and escape for Gordon, Alyx, Eli, Judith and Breen in and from Breen's office.

Filename(s) Quote Play
br_oheli01, br_oheli02 Ooh... Eli.
br_oheli03 If only you could see what I've seen.
br_oheli04 You wouldn't be so shortsighted!
br_oheli05, br_oheli06 I have studied 36 zones beyond our own.
br_oheli07 to br_oheli09 Carbon stars with ancient satellites colonized by sentient fungi. Gas giants inhabited by vast meteorological intelligences. Worlds stretched thin across the membranes where [the] dimensions intersect... Impossible to describe with our limited vocabulary! (Same as retail.)
br_missvance01, br_missvance02 This must be... Miss Vance.
br_missvance03 Alyx.
br_missvance04 The last time I saw you, you were just a little slip of a thing.
br_missvance05, br_missvance06 You have your mother's eyes, my dear, but your father's stubborn nature. (Same as in retail, but rephrased.)
br_elichoice01 Eli has already made his choice.
br_elichoice02 He's decided to be one of the very last humans to die.
br_elichoice03 I wouldn't be surprised if he looked upon his suicide as an act of honor.
br_intractable01 Yes.
br_intractable02 Save your energy.
br_intractable03 I told you he'd be intractable.
br_intractable04 Once Eli has convinced himself of something, not even the truth can change his mind.
br_madepoint01 Very well.
br_madepoint02 You've made your point.
br_madepoint03 And I will keep it in mind as we go forward.
br_madepoint04 Let me just say, Judith, with so much at stake, I had hoped better of you.
br_madepoint05, br_madepoint06, br_madepoint07 I already knew you were capable of talk, but your actions show your true limitations and lack of commitment.
br_madepoint08 Now, stand aside.
br_reconsider01, br_reconsider02 Well, if you'd like to reconsider your involvement in the program, Eli, it would make a huge difference in how quickly we could make the Combine portals safe for human use.
br_reconsider03, br_reconsider04 That way, Alyx, and even yourself, might be able to travel to the Aleph Universe with your faculties intact.
br_reconsider05, br_reconsider06 That is our ultimate goal, after all, to move freely through the continuum to make our incipient immortality worthwhile.
br_redemption01, br_redemption02, br_redemption03 Judith. I'm sorry to see that you've absorbed so much of Eli's foolish idealism, but there is redemption for you in his death.
br_stubborn There. You see? Stubborn as ever. (Retail retains the filename, but the text is different.)
br_takeit Take it.
br_unfortunatedays01 Those unfortunate days are almost at an end. Our transformation is nearly complete.
br_unfortunatedays02 Thanks to the work you've done, which Judith will have to complete in your absence.
br_wontcompromise01, br_wontcompromise02 Don't worry, Eli. Dr. Mossman has adequate experience now to continue your work.
br_youfool You fool! (Same as retail.)
br_youlldofine01 Don't sell yourself short, Judith. You'll do just fine.
br_youlldofine02 Of course, I was hoping you'd have the assistance of your peers.
br_youlldofine03 That's why I thought it was worth preserving Dr. Freeman for a bit longer.
br_youlldofine04 But it seems that Gordon has signed up on the wrong side, once again.
br_youlldofine05, br_youlldofine06, br_youlldofine07 As for the young Miss Vance, her talents will be put to practical use on the other side of a Combine portal after a simple medical procedure to enable her to survive the transition.

Half-Life 2[edit]


Kleiner's Lab[edit]

Location: sound/vo/k_lab

Brief visit of Breen's office during the teleportation failure between Kleiner's Lab and Black Mesa East.

Filename(s) Quote Play
br_tele_02 What's the meaning of this?
br_tele_03 Who are you?
br_tele_05 How did you get in here?
br_significant The man I saw, I'm all but certain it was...
br_thereheis Gordon Freeman!

Nova Prospekt[edit]

Location: sound/vo/novaprospekt

Filename(s) Quote Play
br_disturb —from your area.
br_overzealous The soldiers were a bit overzealous, I admit, but he was too tempting a prize to simply turn loose, especially in the absence of Gordon Freeman.
br_loyalties We weren't entirely sure you were ever going to get around to that, human loyalties being what they are.
br_blinded I have known Dr. Vance far longer than you, my dear. I'm afraid your feelings for him may have blinded you—
br_leeway01 This is not open to debate, Dr. Mossman.
br_outoftime So sorry, Judith. I'm all out of time.


Breen's office[edit]

Location: sound/vo/citadel

Confrontation and escape for Gordon, Alyx, Eli, Judith and Breen.

Filename(s) Quote Play
br_oheli07 to br_oheli09 Carbon stars with ancient satellites colonized by sentient fungi. Gas giants inhabited by vast meteorological intelligences. Worlds stretched thin across the membranes where [the] dimensions intersect... Impossible to describe with our limited vocabulary!
br_guest_a Well, if it isn't Gordon Freeman, at last.
br_gravgun What's this? Oh, put it over there.
br_guest_b You have my gratitude, Doctor.
br_guest_c, br_guest_d First you lead me straight to the doorstep of my oldest friend and then you deliver yourself.
br_guest_f If I'd known you were going come straight up to my office, I wouldn't have bothered hunting you in the first place.
br_dictate_a Having both of you in my keeping ensures I can dictate the terms of any bargain I care to make with the Combine.
br_laugh01 *laughter*
br_yesjudith Yes, Judith, what is it?
br_rabble_a Thanks to you, we have everything we need in that regard.
br_rabble_b You're more than qualified to finish his research yourself.
br_rabble_c What neither you nor I can do is convince that rabble in the streets to give up their senseless struggle.
br_rabble_d Yet Eli refuses to speak the words that would save them all.
br_playgame_a, br_playgame_b, br_playgame_c Eli...if you won't do the right thing for the good of all people, maybe you'll do it for one of them.
br_gift_a That's all up to you, my old friend.
br_gift_b, br_gift_c Will you let your stubborn short-sightedness doom the entire species, or will you give your child the chance her mother never had?
br_stubborn Alyx my dear, you have your mother's eyes. But your father's stubborn nature.
br_farside Really? Well, let's see how [well] it serves you on the far side of a Combine portal.
br_nopoint Oh, it's hardly the worst. But you might find that hard to believe once you get there.
br_newleader_a I agree, it's a total waste.
br_newleader_b Fortunately, the resistance has shown it is willing to accept a new leader.
br_newleader_c And this one has proven to be a fine pawn for those who control him.
br_bidder_a How about it, Dr. Freeman?
br_bidder_b Did you realize your contract was open to the highest bidder?
br_nothingtosay_a I understand if you don't wish to discuss this in front of your friends.
br_nothingtosay_b I'll send them on their way, and then we can talk openly.
br_judithwhat Judith? What do you think you're doing?
br_guards Guards! Get in here!
br_betrayed They know you betrayed them. They'll turn on you! Judith — Dr. Mossman. Please!
br_youfool You fool!
br_no No!

Combine Advisor contact[edit]

Location: sound/vo/citadel

After the brawl at Breen's office, Alyx and Gordon find Breen talking to a Combine Advisor on a large monitor. A video of the conversation is seen in Half-Life 2: Episode One, reusing the exact same sounds.

Filename(s) Quote Play
br_deliver It's me you should be concerned about! I can still deliver Earth, but not without your help.
br_untenable The portal destination is untenable. Surely you can set the relay elsewhere. There's no way I can survive in that environment.
br_hostbody A host body? You must be joking, I can't possibly—
br_whatittakes Oh all right, damn it, if that's what it takes!
br_justhurry Just hurry, he's right behind me!
br_ohshit Oh shit!

Dark Fusion Reactor[edit]

Location: sound/vo/citadel

Half-Life 2’s last act.

Filename(s) Quote Play
br_synapse Dr. Freeman. You really shouldn't be out there. At the moment of synapse, as I teleport, this chamber will be bathed in deadly particles that have yet to be named by human science. Perhaps when I have the leisure to do the work myself, I'll name one after you. That way you won't be completely forgotten.
br_synapse02 When the singularity collapses, I will be far away from here. In another universe, as a matter of fact. You, on the other hand, will be destroyed in every way it is possible to be destroyed-and even in some which are essentially impossible.
br_mock05 I don't know what you can possibly hope to achieve, apart from your own annihilation.
br_mock06 I warned you this was futile.
br_mock07 I could have told you that was pointless, Dr. Freeman.
br_mock01 Are you still with us, Dr. Freeman? Not for much longer, I think.
br_mock13 If only you had harnessed your boundless energy for a useful purpose!
br_mock09 I hope you said your farewells.
br_goback Go back, Freeman, you have no idea what you're doing!
br_unleash You don't know what you'll unleash! You could bring down this whole Citadel! Think, man, think - of the people below!
br_failing11 No!
br_youneedme You need me!
br_mock04 A predictable failure, Dr. Freeman. (If Breen manages to get away.)

Unused quotes[edit]

Location: N/A (text only)

Filename(s) Quote
br_takeme Take me.
br_warmup I'm warming up the portal to deliver you even now.

To be said in the Dark Fusion Reactor.

Filename(s) Quote
br_failing01 Good God!
br_failing02 Get away from there!
br_failing03 How are you doing that?!
br_failing04 How did you do that?!
br_failing05 Stop toying with that!
br_failing06 Whatever you're doing, stop at once!
br_failing07 Not that!
br_failing08 Stop it!
br_failing09 Stop that!
br_failing10 Stop!
br_failing12 I don't know what you're doing, Freeman, but I'm warning you against it!
br_mock02 I'm relying on you to fail again, Dr. Freeman. Just as I relied on you at Black Mesa.
br_mock08 It won't be much longer now, Dr. Freeman.
br_mock10 Oh, Dr. Freeman...
br_mock11 What a waste.
br_mock12 Pointless of you.