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List of Combine terminology

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This article contains a comprehensive list of Combine terminology used by Combine units and the Overwatch Voice throughout the Half-Life series, encompassing Half-Life 2, Episode One, Episode Two and Half-Life: Alyx.

Radio codes[edit]

Civil Protection and Overwatch Voice bases its radio codes on the real-life California Penal Code system. In addition, the Combine Chatter section of Half-Life 2: Raising the Bar (page 282) provides clear insight on what each code means.

Basic codes[edit]

Location: sound/npc/overwatch/radiovoice, sound/npc/metropolice/vo

Code Meaning Example quote Filename(s)
Code 2 Proceed immediately with lights/without sirens All units code 2. allunitscode2
Code 3 Proceed immediately with lights and sirens All units at location, respond code 3. allunitsrespondcode3
Code 4 No further assistance required Holding on 10-14 duty at code 4. holdingon10-14duty
Code 7 Out of service to eat Code 7. code7
Code 12 Patrol your district and report extent of damage All units return to code 12. allunitsreturntocode12
Code 30 Officer needs assistance — emergency (Not used in-game)
Code 100 In position to intercept suspect Clear and code 100. clearandcode100


Location: sound/npc/overwatch/radiovoice, sound/npc/metropolice/vo

Abbreviation Meaning Example quote Filename(s)
ADW Assault with deadly weapon Confirmed as ADW on that suspect, 10-0. confirmadw
APB All points bulletin I have a match on APB likeness. matchonapblikeness
BOL Be on the lookout CP we need airwatch to BOL for that 243. cpbolforthat243
DB Dead body DB count is. dbcountis
GOA Gone on arrival 10-97, suspect is GOA. ten97suspectisgoa
OC Off course Viscerator is OC! visceratorisoc
UPI Unidentified person of interest No visual on UPI at this time. novisualonupi
UTL Unable to locate UTL that suspect. utlthatsuspect

10 codes[edit]

Location: sound/npc/overwatch/radiovoice, sound/npc/metropolice/vo

Code Meaning Example quote Filename(s)
10-0 Use caution Confirmed as ADW on that suspect, 10-0. confirmadw
10-2 You are being received clearly 10-2. ten2
10-3 Stop transmitting (Not used in-game)
10-4 OK 10-4. ten4
10-8 In service Unit is on duty 10-8. unitisonduty10-8
10-14 Convoy or escort detail Holding on 10-14 duty at code 4. holdingon10-14duty
10-15 Prisoner in custody Prepare for 10-15. preparefor1015
10-20 Your location Officer down, request all units code 3 to my 10-20! officerdowncode3tomy10-20
10-22 Disregard / Cancel last message Uh, roger that, we'll run standard loyalty check procedure 243, my 10-22 intake station, over. standardloyaltycheck
10-25 Do you have contact with [person] Any unit, report in with 10-25 suspect. unitreportinwith10-25suspect
10-27 Check for wants or warrants (Not used in-game)
10-30 Does not conform to rules or regulations I have a 10-30 my 10-20 responding code 2. Ihave10-30my10-20responding
10-33 Alarm (type: audible, silent) (Not used in-game)
10-38 Your destination (Not used in-game)
10-54d Possible dead body (Not used in-game)
10-55d Send coroner (Not used in-game)
10-65 Clear for assignment Unit is 10-65. unitis10-65
10-78 Send ambulance Dispatch I need 10-78 officer in trouble! dispatchIneed10-78
10-91d Dead animal 10-91d count is. ten91dcountis
10-97 Arrived at scene 10-97. ten97
10-99 Unable to receive your last message (or in trouble) Officer down, I am 10-99 repeat I am 10-99! officerdownIam10-99
10-103f Disturbance by fight (Not used in-game)
10-103m Disturbance by mentally unfit (Mental person) Control, I have a failure to comply with loyalty check, tag as possible 10-103m. loyaltycheckfailure
10-107 Suspicious person Got a 10-107 here, send airwatch for tag. gota10-107sendairwatch
10-108 Officer down or officer needs assistance We have a 10-108! wehavea10-108

Penal codes[edit]

Location: sound/npc/overwatch/radiovoice, sound/npc/metropolice/vo

Code Meaning Example quote Filename(s)
17f Fugitive detachment 17f fugitive detachment fugitive17f
24 Medical emergency (Not used in-game)
27 Attempted crime 27 attempted crime attemptedcrime27
34s Shooting All units BOL we have 34s at allunitsbol34sat
51 Non-sanctioned arson 51 non-sanctioned arson nonsanctionedarson51
51b Threat to property (Bomb threat) 51b threat to property threattoproperty51b
52 Simple arson (Not used in-game)
56 Criminal damage (Not used in-game)
62 Alarms 62 alarms alarms62
63 Criminal trespass 63 criminal trespass criminaltrespass63
63s Illegal in operation (Sit-in) 63s illegal in operation illegalinoperation63s
69 Possession of resources (Possession of stolen goods) 69 possession of resources posession69
94 Weapon (Illegal use of weapon) 94 weapon weapon94
95 Illegal carrying (Illegal carrying of gun) 95 illegal carrying illegalcarrying95
99 Reckless operation 99 reckless operation recklessoperation99
148 Resisting arrest 148 resisting arrest resistingpacification148
211 Armed robbery (Not used in-game)
52 Simple arson (Not used in-game)
243 Assault on Protection Team 243 assault on Protection Team assault243
245 Assault with a deadly weapon (Not used in-game)
404 Riot 404 riot riot404
407 Unlawful assembly (Not used in-game)
415 Civic disunity (Disturbing the peace) 415 civic disunity disturbingunity415
415b Investigate the trouble is 415b. is415b
447 Arson (Not used in-game)
459 Burglary (Not used in-game)
505 Reckless driving Dispatch, we need airwatch, subject is 505. airwatchsubjectis505
507 Public non-compliance 507 public non-compliance publicnoncompliance507
603 Unlawful entry 603 unlawful entry unlawfulentry603
647e Disengaged from workforce (Loitering place to place) Anyone else pickup a 647e reading? anyonepickup647e

Location prefixes[edit]

Civil Protection and the Overwatch Voice utilize location prefixes to designate areas into categorical sections. These prefixes are accompanied by a number from one to nine. Because Metro Cops are not encountered in some levels, many of these location prefixes are not heard in-game.

Half-Life 2[edit]

Location: sound/sentences.txt (location prefix by mapname), npc/metropolice/vo (filenames), sound/npc/overwatch/radiovoice (filenames)

No map (default)[edit]

Name Filename(s)
Block block
Zone zone
Sector sector

City 17 Trainstation (trainstation)[edit]

Name Filename(s)
Station block stationblock
Transit block transitblock
Workforce intake hub workforceintake

Canals (canals)[edit]

Name Filename(s)
Canal block canalblock
Storm system stormysystem
Waste river wasteriver
Deserviced area deservicedarea

Black Mesa East (eli)[edit]

Name Filename(s)
Industrial zone industrialzone
Restricted block restrictedblock
Repurposed area repurposedarea

Ravenholm (town)[edit]

Name Filename(s)
Condemned zone condemnedzone
Infested zone infestedzone
Non patrol region nonpatrolregion

Coast (coast)[edit]

Name Filename(s)
External jurisdiction externaljurisdiction
Stabilization jurisdiction stabilizationjurisdiction
Outland zone outlandzone

Nova Prospekt (prison)[edit]

Name Filename(s)
External jurisdiction externaljurisdiction
Stabilization jurisdiction stabilizationjurisdiction

City 17 (c17)[edit]

Name Filename(s)
Residential block residentialblock
404 zone 404zone
Distribution block distributionblock
Production block productionblock

Citadel (citadel)[edit]

Name Filename(s)
High priority region highpriorityregion
Terminal restriction zone terminalrestrictionzone
Polity: control section controlsection

Phonetic alphabets[edit]

Combine units communicate using a phonetic alphabet, a set of clear code words for communicating the letters of the Roman alphabet. These phonetic codes appear differently in Half-Life 2 and its episodes versus Half-Life: Alyx.

Half-Life 2[edit]

Location: sound/sentences.txt (phonetic alphabet/codes), sound/npc/combine_soldier/vo (filenames)

Character Telephony Example quote Filename(s)
A Apex Team Sundown 3, set viscerators in sector Apex 5, and advance for contact. We have biotics in the perimeter. prison_soldier_visceratorsA5
B Boomer Overwatch confirms double boomers dispatched inbound, ghost drop inbound, prepare for skyshield heavy suppression and wrapup. prison_soldier_boomersinbound
E Echo Echo. echo
F Flatline Flatline. flatline
H Helix Team Sundown 3 deserviced, Helix 2 go active and intercept, Leader 12 out. prison_soldier_sundown3dead
I Ice, ion Ice. ice ion
J Jet block 64 jet. block31jet
K Kilo Kilo. kilo
M Mace block 31 mace. block31mace
N Nova Nova. nova
P Payback Payback. payback
Q Quicksand Quicksand. quicksand
R Ripcord Ripcord. ripcord
S Sundown Team Sundown 3 deserviced, Helix 2 go active and intercept, Leader 12 out. sundown
U Uniform Uniform. uniform