Talk:Tanker Yard

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I have some wild specualtion...or is it?[edit]

Am I the only one who thinks the position of this antlion nest suspicious? It's smack dab between the Vault's Emergency back up and some sort of combine waste dumping area that also happens to be where The Scientist is working. Maybe it's a farm of some kind? The Antlion labs are right there, and the grunts you encounter in the yard itself don't shoot the Antlions, just you. The antlions don't even attack until a cable from the vault drops right into their nest. The main nest in the tanker yard even looks older than the ones at the zoo. It has a bunch of white flaky material on it, almost like what you see on wasp nests or like the antlion breathing holes you see in Half-Life 2. Heck, the only time you see combine troops (not turrets) directly engaging with antlions, before the cable falls, is in the zoo, where the Antlion are seen eating a grunt's body (who may have accidentally fall in). You can even track the tunnels the antlions made under the combine walls back to the nest at the tanker yard. It just seems like there's a lot being hinted at here. It might not be worth mentioning in the article, but it just seems all oddly coincidental to me. 23:11, 17 September 2020 (MSK)Ihonnyboy (talk)

You've got a point there. The relationship between Antlions and the Combine in Alyx is slightly ambiguous: in the Distillery there's evidence of heavy combat between the Overwatch and Antlions, however in the Tanker Yards the Combine established farms right in the middle of a vast colony. Also, if my observations were right, the green Antlion Workers are often spawned right after Dropships land. Not to mention the Scientist living healthily in a partially demolished and heavily Xen-overgrown building. A lot of the settings in the game are indeed quite bizarre and inexplicable, but after all it's a Quarantine Zone abandoned for years, and you wouldn't expect reasonable things to happen there.Requiem (talk) 06:21, 26 September 2020 (MSK)