This subject is related to the Black Mesa Incident era.
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Bug (Xen)

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This subject is related to the Black Mesa Incident era.
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C4a1 bug03.jpg
General information




Individual information


Game information


Bugs[1] are mysterious flying moth-like creatures seen on Xen in Half-Life.


Unknown in origin and indistinct in appearance, Bugs are described as "flickering specks of light"[2] resembling fireflies.[3] They only appear in a cave area inside a floating island, first trapped inside an organic web cage. Present in this cave are three small pedestals each holding a claw-like mechanism. Gordon must use these mechanisms to open the claws and free the bugs from the cage by breaking it. The Bugs will fly and land on the pedestals, powering up the teleport in the center of the room.

In modding[edit]

Bugs play a central role on the storyline of the mod Redemption. Here, they are given the name "Telnorps". Following the events of Half-Life, Gordon is tasked by the G-Man with finding and returning three Telnorps, the same ones he had originally freed in Xen which have since been brought to Earth and dispersed around the world.


List of appearances[edit]


  1. Entity name
  2. Half-Life Prima Guide
  3. Versus Books Official Half-Life Perfect Guide