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List of minor Black Mesa locations

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This subject is related to the Black Mesa Incident era.
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This is a list of minor Black Mesa locations featured in Half-Life and its expansions.

Unnamed industrial area[edit]

Visited by Gordon Freeman during the Half-Life chapter Apprehension, this unnamed area connected to the Materials Transport includes partially flooded areas filled with Leeches and Ichthyosaur (this is where they are first introduced) - one of them introducing the crossbow and its efficiency against Ichthyosaurs, a cryogenic storage facility, and a storage area where the Black Ops are first introduced. After being captured by the HECU (briefly witnessed by Barney Calhoun when caught in a harmonic reflux before escaping Black Mesa), he wakes up in a garbage compactor near the Biological Waste Processing Plant.




Blast furnaces[edit]

Visited by Adrian Shephard during the Opposing Force chapter Missing in Action, this unnamed area contains several large fans, as well as several blast furnaces, all of them requiring good timing by the player to get through. Adrian is forced to cross this area after the G-Man leaves him stranded, and it is here where he fights the Gonomes for the first time.

It is located near the Storage Areas 2 and 3.


Storage Areas 2 and 3[edit]

Visited by Adrian Shephard during the Opposing Force chapter Missing in Action after leaving the blast furnace area, these areas are used for storage as well as vehicle repair, as one of the signs shows. Adrian can only access Area 2, as the door leading to Area 3 is closed. It is here where Adrian fights the Pit Drones for the first time, as one dying HECU soldier warns him.

An elevator connects the area with an administrative section.


Hydrofauna Studies Laboratory[edit]

The Hydrofauna Studies Laboratory is a location featured in Opposing Force in the chapter Crush Depth. It contains a series of underwater laboratories where aquatic alien creatures are kept and observed, as well as teleporters.


Biodome Drainage System[edit]

The Biodome Drainage System is a small hallway connecting the Hydrofauna Studies Laboratory and Sector E Biodome Complex together. it's seen only in Half-Life Opposing Force.

Ordinance Storage Facility[edit]

The biggest of the three Ordinance Storage Facilities seen in the four games of the Half-Life story arc, this area is featured in the Opposing Force chapter "The Package". It is separated from Sector G's Hydro-Electric Dam by a small desert land accessed from the dam by a duct system leading to exit H-287GQ. The outside is controlled by the Black Ops that set up a mortar on one roof, but it is mostly swarmed by Shock Troopers, Voltigores and Vortigaunts. Inside, the buildings are partially destroyed, and a Black Ops Apache is targeting a Voltigore. On the ground floor and beneath the facility is a multi-story parking lot where the Black Ops are fighting further Race X creatures, and where they set up the thermonuclear warhead that will destroy Black Mesa, finally activated by the G-Man in person.


This section is in the middle of an expansion or major revamping.

Parking Garage[edit]

This location is featured in Opposing Force in the chapter "The Package", and in Decay in the bonus mission Xen Attacks. It is a large underground parking garage, and is connected to a series of train tunnels. The Black Ops assassins plant a bomb here to destroy the entire facility. The bomb is disarmed by Adrian Shephard and rearmed by the G-Man. This leads to ultimate destruction of the facility. The Vortigaunts X-8973 and R-4913 are also sent here earlier by the Nihilanth to retrieve crystal samples in the part of the parking lot located beyond the gate present near the bomb's truck. Under the parking lot is Storage Unit 04, a freight area filled with crates and containers, and accessible from the parking lot by an elevator.


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Level 4 Storage Unit[edit]

The Level 4 Storage Unit is a location featured in Opposing Force in the chapter Worlds Collide. It is a large basement storage area, a freight area filled with crates and containers, located under a parking garage, accessible from the parking lot by an elevator. The place is also heavily guarded by the Black Ops, also attacked there by Race X creatures. It is told the area was used by the Black Ops as a staging point until the aliens came in.

A practically abandoned industrial area with giant fan vents located further underground contains a Race X portal that, when apparently powered by hundreds of Sprites, brings in the Gene Worm soon defeated by Adrian Shephard.


Black Mesa South Access Tunnel[edit]

The Black Mesa South Access is a location featured in Blue Shift in the chapter Deliverance. It appears to be an entrance to the facility. Barney Calhoun and his friends teleport here to escape from the facility.


Unnamed Decay location[edit]

This location is featured in Decay in the mission Resonance. It is a medium-sized facility near the surface level, and it contains the dampening locks. The players are sent here to reset the dampening locks to prevent another cascade from happening. There are two secondary locks upstairs, and one primary lock near a transit line. The starting area slightly resembles the test chamber from Half-Life, so it may be the upper section of that room.


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